Cultural Diversity Drum Circle

PURPOSE: Diversity drum circle provides opportunities for self expression, creativity and collaboration. Align with one another through in the moment rhythm to transcend differences, rejuvenate and celebrate a different country, it’s instruments, traditions and culture each meeting.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  An exhilerating circle of of call and response to rhythms and dance moves showcasing / celebrating a specific culture.

TARGET AUDIENCE: All ages, All groups 

DURATION: 45 min – 1 hr once a week for up to 12 weeks
SIZE: groups of no more then 20 attendees

LOCATION: on site

ARTISTS: Sabina Santana, Larry Gindhart, David Blaise Zekalo, Master Drummer from Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast, West Africa), David Lugo  Bomba Sicá (a traditional Afro-Puerto Rican Rhythm and Dance), Japanese Taiko Drumming with Sally Childs-Helton


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