Introduction to Active Dreaming

Dream Yourself into Vitality, Connectedness, Creativity and Insight. Active Dreaming is an original synthesis of modern dream work and shamanism, developed by author, storyteller, historian, teacher and dream ambassador, Robert Moss. Active Dreaming has helped many thousands of people worldwide harness the gifts that come with a vibrant, action-oriented dreaming life.

Learn practical solutions for common blocks to vibrant dream life, including dream drought, nightmares and memory challenges. Learn to use the Lightning Dreamwork process (the fundamental technique of Active Dreaming) to make sharing dream material fun, fast and non-intrusive. Play the Coincidence Card Game, which brings the magic of the dream realm into waking life. Build a local community of people who “dream strong”

2 hours

At your location

The techniques of Active Dreaming can be applied to people of any age who are able to express their dream experiences verbally, but will be particularly rich if students can also engage in writing, drawing/painting, movement and/or dramatic activities based on their dreams. Participants will benefit the most if they approach the workshop with an open mind and a willingness to engage with others around their dreams, daydreams, or personal stories of synchronicity.

up to 30

Teresa Vazquez is Dream Midwife and graduate of Robert Moss’s School of Active Dreaming. She is also a graduate of Oberlin College (BA, Creative Writing) and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (MFA, Studio Art). Teresa is a writer, artist, educator, meditator and lifelong strong dreamer who uses her own dreams for creative inspiration, ancestral connection, inner exploration, expanded insight and spiritual development. She conducts Active Dreaming workshops, classes and private sessions.


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